Goldschmidt Family
Earliest Goldschmidt

Otherwise known as Benedict or Baruch GOLDSCHMIDT-STUCHERT
1575 - 1642

Family Photos (click here)

Part of the Goldschmidt Family Story (click here)

Persons with descendency from Baruch Goldschmidt-Stuchert include
My Heymann Family via the Bacharach Family from Cassel (Kassel) (Marc is the 9th G.Grandson)
Gluckel of Hameln (author of The memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln)
Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch (6th G. Grandson)
Heinrich Heine, Poet and writer (6th G.Grandson)
Felix Mendelsohn, Composer (7th G. Grandson)
Members of the Rothschild Family
on Portheim Family
Montefiore Family
Oppenheimer  Family Hamburg Court Jews and Banking Family
Wertheimer  Family Vienna Court Jews and Banking
Leffman Berherms (His Daughter Jette married This Hanoverian Court Jew)
Warburg Banking F
amily (Kuhn Loeb & Co Bank  NY USA
Breuer Family ( Rabbi Joseph Breuer Rabbi K'Hal Adath Jeshurun Washington Heights NY USA)

the Family Dujarric De La Riviere through the French Rothschild family (Baron Robert Philip de Rothschild)
Stephane Dujarric De La Riviere (is 13th G. Grandson)
Sir Jimmy Goldsmith 8th G. Grandson (and his daughter Jemima who married Pakistani Cricket Captain Imran Khan)
David Goldschmidt (London England) (9th G.Grandson)

The first critical point is that NOT all Goldschmidts are related. Goldschmidt was / is a common name. This particular family were all Levim (that is from the Jewish tribe of Levi) This is distinguished by the  role in the Jewish religious / synagogue community as Levim. They are distinguished by the name Ha Levi at the end of their Hebrew name.

The Goldschmidt Family is extensive, there are many thousand descendants today (2003) who can trace their lineage / or are descended from Baruch Daniel Samuel GOLDSCHMIDT-STUCHERT  1575 - 1642 Witzenhausen Hessen Germany where he was the head of the Jewish community

Unfortunately a fire swept through the Judengasse in Frankfurt in the mid 19th century destroying many of the records so many of those connections have been lost.

The Goldschmidt family in this genealogy originated in Frankfurt, and who were expelled with the rest the Jews of Frankfurt am Main  in 1612 . They went to Hameln, Cassel, Stadthagen, Witzenhausen, Buckeburg, etc. and in later years were found in Altona-Hamburg,Oldenburg, Emden and elsewhere in NW Germany and as well as in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and in later centuries in France, England and around the world..

Their names became Hamelin-Goldschmidt Hameln or Goldschmidt-Hameln, Cassel or Cassel-Goldschmidt or Goldschmidt-Cassel, Goldschmidt-Stadthagen, Oldenberg or Oldenberg-Goldschmidt, Goldsmid, Goldsmut, and Goldsmith.

Another extensive list of Dutch descendants of Baruch Goldschmidt-Stuchert can be found at the Center for Research on Dutch Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem